Doris Day consombrero | Blanca del Piñal, Sombrerera

Doris Day consombrero

lunes, noviembre 16th, 2009 | 1.688 lecturas | crin, historia de la sombrereria, historia del sombrero, pillbox, sombreros de famosas

La reina de los sombreros en los 50′, Doris Day, representa por excelencia el lady look. Los sombreros de la época son rígidos para mantener su forma simétrica, y el ala se reduce para poner de manifiesto un maquillaje impecable.

La invención de la viscosa, introduce en sombrerería el celofán, que pretende sustituir la paja natural con colores llamativos (ver abajo foto Doris Day en Pijama para Dos). Y el crin de caballo natural también es sustituido por la crinolina artificial.

Una moda nueva en sombreros surgió para la noche: el bibis. Pequeñas obras de arte que llevaban varios días de confección, montados sobre bases de esparterina, y forrados de terciopelo, tafetan o satén y adornados con encajes o pedrería. Pillbox que podían llevarse calados a la altura de las cejas o hacia atrás cubriendo la cabeza.

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The 50s Queen of Hats, Doris Day, is the best example of how to look like a lady. The hats from this period are stiff in order to maintain their symmetrical form and the brim was reduced to highlight a woman’s perfect make-up. The invention of viscose introduces cellophane to the hat-making process, which is a way of replacing straw with bright colours. Natural horsehair is also replaced by artificial crinoline. This new hat fashion trend was designed as evening wear: the Bibi hat, a little work of art that required several days to make. It was made on an esparto grass base, lined with velvet, taffeta or satin and adorned with laces and beads. These pillboxes were pulled down to the eyebrow or sloped backwards, covering the head.

Translation thanks to Natalia Álvarez

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3 Comments to Doris Day consombrero

avatar Natalia

The 50s Queen of Hats, Doris Day, is the best example of how to look like a lady. The hats from this period are stiff in order to maintain their symmetrical form and the brim was reduced to highlight a woman’s perfect make-up. The invention of viscose introduces cellophane to the hat-making process, which is a way of replacing straw with bright colours. Natural horsehair is also replaced by artificial crinoline. This new hat fashion trend was designed as evening wear: the Bibi hat, a little work of art that required several days to make. It was made on an esparto grass base, lined with velvet, taffeta or satin and adorned with laces and beads. These pillboxes were pulled down to the eyebrow or sloped backwards, covering the head.

[…] en materiales rígidos, incluso alambrado, es un sombrero que identificamos con la década de los 50′. Aunque parezca muy ponible, personalmente le tengo mucho respeto, […]

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