Sombrero de la Semana 49 | Blanca del Piñal, Sombrerera

Sombrero de la Semana 49

miércoles, diciembre 2nd, 2009 | 873 lecturas | recepción, Sombrero de la Semana

Esta semana traigo a un encargo muy especial. Se trata de uno de los últimos del año, antes de que comience mi baja maternal.

La clienta me había propuesto hacer una réplica de un sombrerito que lucía su madre en una foto allá por 1954. Su intención ahora es combinarlo con un abrigo corto, negro, en una recepción institucional estas Navidades.

Una vez seleccionado el tejido en función del abrigo y del color del cabello, planteé el patrón sobre una estructura rígida y alambrada para reproducir con la mayor precisión el modelo original. Una vez forrado y listo para la primera prueba, le propuse a la señora que se lo ladease hacia atrás y no hacerlo recaer sobre la frente como se haría con un tocado. El resultado es más liviano, menos enmarcado y más ponible.

This week I present to you a very special order in  It is one of the last orders this year before I go on maternity leave.
My client asked me to make a replica of the hat that her mother showed off in a 1954s photo. Now she wants to combine it with a short black coat for an institutional event at Christmas.
Once I chose the fabric taking into acount her coat and hair colour, I designed a pattern to be used on a rigid wiring structure in order to reproduce the original model with the highest precision possible.  Once the hat was lined and ready for the first fitting, I asked my client to tilt the hat backwards and to avoid slanting it towards the forehead like you would do if you wore a pillbox. The result is a more wearable, less framed and lighter hat.
Translated by Natalia Díaz

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1 comentario to Sombrero de la Semana 49

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This week I present to you a very special order in It is one of the last orders this year before I go on maternity leave.
My client asked me to make a replica of the hat that her mother showed off in a 1954s photo. Now she wants to combine it with a short black coat for an institutional event at Christmas.
Once I chose the fabric taking into acount her coat and hair colour, I designed a pattern to be used on a rigid wiring structure in order to reproduce the original model with the highest precision possible. Once the hat was lined and ready for the first fitting, I asked my client to tilt the hat backwards and to avoid slanting it towards the forehead like you would do if you wore a pillbox. The result is a more wearable, less framed and lighter hat.
Translated by Natalia Díaz

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