Sombrero de la Semana 50
lunes, diciembre 7th, 2009 | 1.061 lecturas | adornos, corona, flores, invierno, navidad, significados del sombrero, Sombrero de la Semana, tradiciones consombrero
Coronitas para Santa Lucía
Esta semana queremos presentar una bella tradición sueca relacionada con coronas. La noche del 13 de diciembre, las calles de Estocolmo se tiñen de blanco y de luz gracias a las miles de velas que las jóvenes suecas encienden en sus cabezas. Portan unas coronitas adornadas con flores y velas representando el calor y la luz de Sta. Lucía. El cuerpo de los asistentes a la procesión se reconforta con café, galletas de jengibre y un buen sombrero.
This week I would like to present to you the beautiful Swedish tradition related to crowns. On the night of the 13th of December, Stockholm’s streets turn white and are covered in lights thanks to thousands of candles that the young Swedish girls light on their heads. These young girls wear little crowns adorned with flowers and candles that represent the warmth and light of Saint Lucy. Those who attend the procession are warmed up with cups of coffee, gingerbread and hats.
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This week I would like to present to you the beautiful Swedish tradition related to crowns. On the night of the 13th of December, Stockholm’s streets turn white and are covered in lights thanks to thousands of candles that the young Swedish girls light on their heads. These young girls wear little crowns adorned with flowers and candles that represent the warmth and light of Saint Lucy. Those who attend the procession are warmed up with cups of coffee, gingerbread and hats.