Gorro de Lepanto//Lepanto Cap
jueves, marzo 8th, 2012 | 1.331 lecturas | cinta, comunión, cultura del sombrero, gala, historia del sombrero, lepanto, niño, Niños
A raíz de una consulta que me realizaba una lectora de Consombrero.com, decidí investigar sobre el origen del nombre de este modelo de sombrero tan clásico sobre todo de cara a las Primeras Comuniones.
Al parecer, con el fin de mejorar el uniforme de los marinos, se llevó a cabo un estudio de sobre las posibilidades de sustituir el antiguo sombrero de paja blanca (que en invierno estaba forrado de lana) por un modelo más acorde a los nuevos tiempos y necesidades de la tripulación (principios del s.XX). El Lepanto fue el buque donde se llevó a cabo el estudio y su Comandante redactó un informe a favor de este sombrerito, más higiénico, manejable, duradero que el de paja.
Fuente: Por Tierra, Mar y Aire
Miniatura perteneciente a la Colección Martínez Lanzas-de-las-Eras
As a result of one question posted by one of our consombrero readers, I decided to find out the origin of this classic cap’s name, especially because it is First Communion season. Apparently, in order to improve sailor’s uniform, research was carried out. It was about the possibilities of replacing the old white straw hat (which was lined with wool in winter) with a model that was more appropriate for the age and needs of the new crew (beginning of 20th century). Lepanto was the ship in which the research was carried out and his officer wrote an article in favour of this little hat, more hygienic, handy and durable than the straw hat. Source: Por Tierra, Mar y Aire. Pic model is part of the Martínez Lanzas-de-las-Eras Collection. |
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Lepanto Cap
As a result of one question posted by one of our consombrero readers, I decided to find out the origin of this classic cap’s name, especially because it is First Communion season. Apparently, in order to improve sailor’s uniform, research was carried out. It was about the possibilities of replacing the old white straw hat (which was lined with wool in winter) with a model that was more appropriate for the age and needs of the new crew (beginning of 20th century). Lepanto was the ship in which the research was carried out and his officer wrote an article in favour of this little hat, more hygienic, handy and durable than the straw hat.
Source: Por Tierra, Mar y Aire.
Pic model is part of the Martínez Lanzas-de-las-Eras Collection.