Sombrero de la Semana #2 | Blanca del Piñal, Sombrerera

Sombrero de la Semana #2

viernes, enero 15th, 2010 | 1.472 lecturas | agujón, alfiler de sombrero, arreglos de sombrerería, blanco, bombonera, fieltro, hatpin, pillbox, restauración de piezas, Sombrero de la Semana, velo

Bombonera restaurada

Mi experiencia me dice que no se puede minusvalorar un sombrero por muy chafado, sucio, viejo o roido que esté.

Este es el caso de la pieza que traigo esta semana; formaba parte de un lote junto a otros sombreros más interesantes, y este quedó relegado porque tenía marcas de polilla. Procedí a su limpieza pero en principio descarté su restauración.

Sombreros en sus perchasSin embargo, lo colgué en un lugar visible y siempre que pasaba a su lado le echaba un vistazo hasta que logré cuadrar los agujeros que tenía: dos de ellos simétricos. Intuyo que un pincho o alfiler de sombrero servía de sujección a tan delicada bombonera y su velo.

Para aportarle volumen y hacer sus formas más marcadas, lo adorné con un velo moderno, que ilumina el blanco roto del fieltro.

My experience has taught me that you cannot undermine a hat even if it may be old, dirty, crumpled or snagged.

This is the case of the piece that I bring to you this week. This hat formed a part of a set of hats that were much more interesting. I pushed it into the background because it was moth-eaten. At first I started to clean it, but then I put it to one side and decided not to repair it. However, I hung the hat in a visible place and each time I walked passed it I looked at it until I realised that the two holes it had were symmetrical. I assume that a hat pin was used to pin and fasten this delicate hat and its veil.

In order to give it volume and make its features stand out, I adorned it with a modern veil that lightened the oyster-colour of the felt.

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3 Comments to Sombrero de la Semana #2

My experience has taught me that you cannot undermine a hat even if it may be old, dirty, crumpled or snagged.

This is the case of the piece that I bring to you this week. This hat formed a part of a set of hats that were much more interesting. I pushed it into the background because it was moth-eaten. At first I started to clean it, but then I put it to one side and decided not to repair it. However, I hung the hat in a visible place and each time I walked passed it I looked at it until I realised that the two holes it had were symmetrical. I assume that a hat pin was used to pin and fasten this delicate hat and its veil.

In order to give it volume and make its features stand out, I adorned it with a modern veil that lightened the oyster-colour of the felt.

[…] femenino, admite todo tipo de adorno: flores, velos, […]

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