Sombrero de la semana #4 | Blanca del Piñal, Sombrerera

Sombrero de la semana #4

jueves, enero 28th, 2010 | 2.293 lecturas | barbiquejo, bebé, capota, capotera, Consejos, cultura del sombrero, Niños, punto, Sombrero de la Semana, tendencias, tradiciones consombrero

Con este frío es conveniente que un bebé de pocas semanas lleve una capotita o gorro de punto durante todo el día. Siguiendo esta recomendación, mi hija Isabel luce toda una colección de capotitas.

Capota de punto bebé 1mes

Vistos mil y un modelos, esta semana quiero recoger una serie de consejos que he ido aprendiendo sobre este modelo tan singular:

  • Cuando compramos una capota de punto, hay que poner atención a las costuras. Los gorritos de fábrica suelen tener unos pliegues que para la delicada cabecita del bebé son torturantes, teniendo en cuenta que la mayor parte del día se la pasan boca arriba.
  • Por supuesto, la talla. Se trata de tapar la orejitas, y debe llegar, en la zona de la frente, a la raíz del pelo. Si queda más atrás es que es pequeña, si cae sobre los ojos, grande.
  • La calidad del punto: rechazar la lana, escoger tejidos suaves pero que no lleven pelo ni pelusa.
  • Si lleva lazo de raso como barbiquejo, hay que tener en cuenta que a lo largo del día se desatará solo con fácilidad, con el riesgo que ello conlleva. Aunque menos estético, las lazadas con un cordoncillo del mismo tejido que la capota resultan más prácticos.
  • La antigua idea de que las capotas sirven para aplanar las orejas del bebé es otra excusa para las madres sombreriles.

With this cold weather it is advisable for a new born baby to wear a baby Bonnet or knit cap all day long. Following this recommendation, my daughter Isabel shows off a varied baby bonnet collection.
After analyzing thousands of designs, this week I would like to give you some pieces of advice about this singular form of headdress:
– When we buy a knit cap, we should pay attention to the seams. The manufactured knit caps normally have pleats which can be torture for a baby’s delicate skin.
– Of course, the size. It should cover their little ears and the forehead area up to the root of the hair. If it sits behind the hairline it’s too small, but if the hat covers the eyes, it’s too big.
-The quality of the stitch. Avoid using wool and opt for softer, gentle fabrics without balls of fluff or hair.
– If it has a satin ribbon as barbette, we should bear in mind that it will be easily untied which will entail more risks. Despite them being less fashionable, bows made with a cord of the same fabric will be more useful.
– The old myth that baby bonnets were used to flatten the baby’s ears is just another excuse for the “mad-hatter mums”.
Translated by N.Díaz

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1 comentario to Sombrero de la semana #4

With this cold weather it is advisable for a new born baby to wear a baby Bonnet or knit cap all day long. Following this recommendation, my daughter Isabel shows off a varied baby bonnet collection.
After analyzing thousands of designs, this week I would like to give you some pieces of advice about this singular form of headdress:
– When we buy a knit cap, we should pay attention to the seams. The manufactured knit caps normally have pleats which can be torture for a baby’s delicate skin.
– Of course, the size. It should cover their little ears and the forehead area up to the root of the hair. If it sits behind the hairline it’s too small, but if the hat covers the eyes, it’s too big.
-The quality of the stitch. Avoid using wool and opt for softer, gentle fabrics without balls of fluff or hair.
– If it has a satin ribbon as barbette, we should bear in mind that it will be easily untied which will entail more risks. Despite them being less fashionable, bows made with a cord of the same fabric will be more useful.
– The old myth that baby bonnets were used to flatten the baby’s ears is just another excuse for the “mad-hatter mums”.
Translated by N.Díaz

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